Name Ali Akbar Kermanshahi Pour

born in Amol, in 1958, is one of the pioneers in the field of wire and cable production. He was working in an electric workshop in 1970 at the age of 12, with the help of his deprived father, Haj Mohammad Taghi Kermanshahipour, and he worked at the same workshop until 1977.
He was also a specialist at the end of 1996 and a member of the Association of Banners and Cable Wire He finally formally established the Wolomir and Kabul Amol Company in 1997, and went on to lead the industry in order to reach the goal and place of today.
Some of his activities are as follows :
- President of the Electronic Arts Association of Mazandaran Province for eight years "Since 1981" 
- Founder and chairman of the board of members of Imamzadeh industrial park Abdollah Amol "For four consecutive periods" 
- Active member of Entrepreneurs Association of Mazandaran province
- members of the think tank of Mazandaran Business and Labor Office